It is one of the most powerful methods of spiritual development that I know of. This method will help you clear the blocks that impede success and stop you from receiving that which you desire. Zero Limits is a way to put the Law of Attraction to work in our life by using the ancient Hawaiian system of Ho'oponopono ( Hooponopono). It is thoroughly based upon cutting edge modern science and technology (holographic and quantum physics) and has been scientifically proven in laboratory experiments. If you haven't, then you're about to embark upon a journey that can change your life, the way you want it to be. If you have then you know that knowing the Secret and Applying the Secret are two different things.
Zero Limits is Ho'Oponopono and Huna in Oneīy now I'm sure you've heard about The Secret () and The Law of Attraction (Esther Hicks and Michael Losier).